Saturday, September 15, 2007

Backyard fun

Martin had to run a lab for work today, so we had a nice day at the house trying to clean up some of the summer mess in the backyard. Who knew that plastic toys could spontaneously destruct into shards of plastic shrapnel after a year in the sun? And that sidewalk chalk has a shelf (or ground) life of at least 1000 years? (I must have bought the Chinese kind with extra lead.)
I brought out the paints that I've been building up the courage to let the kids use since last summer, and let them go to town on a cardboard box that they dubbed a rocket ship. Ben helped me sweep, and, I must say, looked lovely in my straw hat. Oh, how I dream of a having a lawn someday. Notice the color dots on Jackson's side. Those are the "rainbow laser shooters", because to a boy, nothing is complete without some kind of gun.

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