Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Summer has not ended!

I am busy trying to figure out a schedule that works for everyone- Jackson's Kindergarten is from 10:45 til 2:45, smack in the middle of the day. It doesn't leave much time for anything before, except for him to try to stir up some trouble with Ben. We are trying to do some cleaning around the house, and take Tasha for a walk, but as I generally don't allow tv on school days, they are stir-crazy by the time we leave for school.
The weather was strange here today- a fire nearby in Suisun made the sky hazy, and it felt hot and sticky. Not our usual Bay Area, cool and breeezy weather. We decided to go swimming at the El Cerrito pool. I enjoyed it so much- usually I sit on the sidelines for swimming but today I jumped in and we all swam around like crazy. When we got home at 8, the boys were hungry and they had toast with homade jelly. (Strawberry from Nana Marcia, and apricot from Cousin Bruce)
I think that when Ben starts school on Friday, it will be better, because we'll have to be out of the house before nine. Homework was sent home today, and Jackson was eager to do it. We'll see how long that lasts. He was writing his name, with lowercase letters, and lost a little steam when I explained that the letters were supposed to be written "under the line".

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