Monday, November 26, 2007

Brothers are mean

Ben was a complete pill today. Even worse than his usual, disagreeable self, he was sick with a cold and extra ornery. Nothing was good enough, or done the right way. Jackson even made him a picture to make him feel better, and Ben told him "I don't want that. I don't want you to love me. I don't like hearts."

Poor Jackson cried for about 10 minutes in the play area under his loft bed. Ben didn't seem to be saying it to upset Jackson, but just felt like saying it. I can't even count the number of times today that he told me "I don't like you." I told him he could watch tv when we got home from dropping Jackson at school, and when we got back the power was out and he screamed and sobbed on my shoulder until he fell asleep. He seemed to perk up at the end of the day, so hopefully tomorrow he will feel better.

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