Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Madness

Here is my brave knight screaming on the floor at the kindergarten after being told he couldn't have another candy.

Jackson and Ben parading around the school grounds (above)

Whew! Halloween is over. Who knew that it was such an exhausting holiday? I always thought that about Thanksgiving and Christmas, but now I have Halloween to recover from too? Elementary school and Halloween go together just about as well, well- as 20 five-year olds and a bag full of sugar. They pretty much gave up on the academics at the school, and kindergarten for the day was a parade, an outdoor carnival, lunch (no one ate), more parading, a party, then home- for trick-or-treating. Jackson was a knight, and Ben was too, during the day. In the evening, Ben was trying to wear his raincoat under his cape, and I suggested that he could be the dragon to Jackson's knight instead. He was all over that one. So yes, it is his costume from last year, but it looks so much cuter this year because it fit him just right.

Martin worked very hard on our haunted front yard. As a recovering Jehovah's Witness, he takes celebrating Halloween very seriously.

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