Friday, November 16, 2007

Lettuce wraps

So you know those recipes that appear in kids' magazines, that want you to turn beets into spiders with cucumber legs, or carrots into alligators with raisins for eyes? I always thought those were pretty ridiculous, like I'm really going to spend my meal prep time turning food into sculpture, as if I don't have enough to do. But Jackson got a new subscription to Highlight magazine's sister publication (yes, you remember it from the dentist office, don't you?) for younger kids called High Five, and begged me to make the Veggie Roll-Ups. So here is a picture of the final product- organic lettuce and diced baby turnips from the veggie box, carrot strips, cheddar cheese and ranch dressing rolled up and eaten like a taco. It called for simply "vegetables", and pictured cucumber (or maybe zucchini?), carrots and celery, but I used what we had on hand. The kid loved them! He ate 4! Actually, they were pretty good- I have to admit I ate a couple of them too. This month features meringue snowmen, which I will be willing to do, 'cause I love meringue and chocolate chips.

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