Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cookie Madness

So no actual footage of the cookie-decorating craziness, because my camera battery was dead. But, here is a taste of the finished product. Perhaps Nicole will blog about it later, as she is the photographer and she and her kids, Judah and Cordelia joined us in the merriment. There were all sorts of sprinkles and snowflakes and sugar glitter for the kids to use, but our favorite decorating method turned about to be dipping the frosted cookies directly on the plate where the toppings had mixed. I used royal icing for the first time, and am very happy with the results. The cookies have that bakery cookie hard, shiny frosting. And they were delicious! I wish you could taste one here- feel free to drop by and try, though I must warn you there was a lot of finger licking during the decorating, because it was so good.

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