Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'll win this one

Sorry that I have not posted, but we are on round 4 of potty training with Ben. In the past, I have stopped because I didn't think that he actually knew when he had to go. This time I know he does, because when he feels like it he goes (he likes to go to toilets in new public places and loves going in low urinals) but is stubborn as a mule anywhere else. His lovely teacher at preschool got him to go, so I knew we were on this time. I read over and over how not to make it a battle of the wills, but that is what everything is with him. Sooo.... I will not get mad, I will be smiling yet persistent, that the diapers are gone and he must use the potty. I've got rewards at hand (Hot Wheels cars that he picked out) and plenty of m&ms, and am working on my patience. And if that doesn't work, I'll put a few extra dollars in his therapy fund. But he will use the potty, by golly!

I finally pulled the above, beautifully handmade and gifted-to-Ben sweater, out of the closet, because up until now the sleeves have been so long. The sleeves now fit him, but it is a little bit of a midriff shirt. He still loved it, and wanted to wear it and his backpack all morning.

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