Major laundry incident today. It looks like someone (Jackson) left a green crayon in his pocket, and when it went through the dryer it spread green around like spatter gun. Pristine white Tae Kwon Do uniform, school khakis, Martin's tidy whities: all spotted green. I've washed them three times now- with oxy clean, baking soda, sprayed with WD-40, but it looks like its sticking around. Guess I'll be checking pockets better from now on, at least it wasn't a frog or a lizard.
Also, I've been exploring places I imagine that taking green "whites" out of the dryer wouldn't be so bad, and I've got a list from a website called find your spot. You input a few preferences and it spits out a list of places that you might enjoy living. While I don't think I'll be moving to Arkansas anytime soon, my list was pretty good and has many places I've often thought I'd might like to live like Oregon and Washington. Thanks for the idea, Krista, my friend who always has something new up her sleeve.
1 comment:
I'm so famous, I made it on your blog.
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