Tomorrow I officially take the first step on my journey to the next stage in my life. Do I finally know what I want to be when I grow up, besides a mommy? Quite possibly. I am going to try to get into Samuel Merritt college for their Doctor of Physical Therapy program. No, like all previous successful ventures in my life, I'm just going to say that's what I'm going to do and do it. So here goes- this year, I will complete the few prerequisites that I am missing, my volunteer hospital hours, take the GRE and earn and obtain several fine letters of recommendation. Next Fall, I will apply to Samuel Merritt where I will begin the following Fall. So Sam Merritt, class of 2013, here I come!
Tomorrow's task at hand is to get into a physiology class at West Contra Cost College, where I will attempt to crash two, possibly three, sections in order to fulfill this simple requirement. I have purchased a notebook, a folder and two comfy pens which took me way too long to choose at Target. I admit there was some thought of buying a High School Musical notebook and/or Hello Kitty notebook, but I settled for a canary yellow folder and blue notebook. I'm a little out of practice though, because when I got home I realized that I bought the wide rule dammit! Maybe Jackson can use it for his school.
I'm jumping in with both feet- I'm going to show my boys that I can do more than cook and laundry, and myself that I can do it.
2 months ago
bravo! you go girl!
You rock sis.
Very proud of you :)
Go Erika! Can I come with you? I don't want to be a DPT, but I'd love to get away from the kids...
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