Thursday, September 18, 2008

Like a Roller Coaster

Lots of ups and downs this week.
Down- I took Tasha to the vet on Tuesday (my ol' lady Pug- 11 but still spunky) because she had suddenly become incontinent. I had mentioned to Martin this summer that she was drinking a lot of water, but shrugged it off as a result of it being so hot and dry. One two-hour office visit and a smoking checkbook later, we went home with a diagnosis of doggie diabetes and a toolkit to care for her. So now I'm giving my poor girl two shots a day, watching her diet and worrying about coming home and finding her in a diabetic coma, though I've been prepped to deal with that too. If managed well, it shouldn't affect her lifespan, but she is likely to go blind from cataracts and we'll certainly be spending a lot of time at the vet's office. Upside: I have mastered the shots after much dread in the anticipation, and it wasn't so bad. She doesn't even notice the needle going in and is eating her new food.
Up - Got a 98% on my first test in physiology class. Woo hoo! Downside: 3 people in the class got a higher score than me (!) and that makes me crazy.
Down - My grandma who was recently diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's disease continues to deteriorate, though she still has better social life than me.
Up - My patience levels have reached a new high this week, and I am trying to be strict but still make time at home with the boys really fun. I'm choosing my battles better, and they are getting old enough not to need correction at every turn. And I've played UNO at least 1000 times in the last 3 days.

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