Saturday, February 16, 2008

She lives!

I could make this whole post about more sickness in the house, the kids sick blah blah blah, me sick, blah blah blah, etc, but I am so tired of sickness!! So off to new and better things. How about this gorgeous weather? As many things as I can find bad about California, spring brings even more to brag about. While I'm reading the articles about the rest of the nation freezing their patooties off, here we are in February with daffodils in full bloom, birds in the bird baths, and kids running around in shorts. My dad was up last weekend and I got a chance to ride the new bicycle which rides like a dream. Did I mention that I got the one I wanted for Christmas? I felt like a little kid riding my new bike- all giddy, wind blowing in my hair. It was so much fun and I can't wait to ride it again soon, as soon as I'm not sick. Damn, see those germs sneaking into everything. The weather is turning, and so is our health, I can feel it. The sunshine will wipe clean all the germs, and we will be well once again.

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