Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Does it get any better than this?

Two bluebirds of happiness, a tissue-paper bouquet and a handpainted "MOM". I couldn't ask for anything more, though I did. I asked that I not be served breakfast in bed. I try to enjoy it each year, but between trying to not knock over my coffee on the bed, my body itching to get up and at 'em for the day and missing out on the breakfast company its just not something that I like. So I asked that I have breakfast with my family this year, which was homemade waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream and sausage. And of course, Lola coffee from Catahoula. Delicious. And Ben picked out his I love Mommy shirt and happily hammed it up for the camera. As yet it is undetermined what it is that we are going to do today, butI'm sure it will be fun. It always is with my boys. Happy Mother's Day to me, to my dear mother, and to all of us in "the club."

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