Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blogs out of the woodwork

So I don't know where I've been, but apparently everyone and their mother has a blog. I've been getting more and more links to them, and I find the humor that they can extract from the mundane is amazing.
I spent an hour this morning in Jackson's classroom, after peeling Ben off my leg and leaving him at preschool, which he has decided is his new enemy. More on that later. After spending the time in a kindergarten class with 19 5 year olds, I have decided that the teacher is a saint and that I may have to be treated for PTSD. I've never seen such a squirrely bunch of kids. I don't think they've ever sat still, and most of the time they seemed pretty unaware that the teacher was even in room. Wow! The teacher told me that they were really restless today, that they usually aren't that bad- but I think she was just trying to get me to come back. I spent the entire time simply moving kids back into the places they were supposed to be sitting or standing and reminding them to keep their body parts to themselves. The boys couldn't stop hitting each other, and the girls couldn't stop fussing with hair- theirs or their neighbors, it didn't seem to matter. Jackson was one of the few that seemed to know what was going on, and I can see why he is so tired at the end of the 3 hours- that was certainly too much chaos for me and he and I are both overwhelmed by too much noise. I need to peek in on the other K classes and find out if this was normal or I should be concerned with the classroom management. If these kids haven't figured out how school works by the end of Sept., I've got to get Jackson into a better environment.
Ben is... Ben. So many nos, so little time. And now it's no to school. I don't know if he is just having a hard time adjusting to leaving me, because he seems to have a good time while he is there. I need the break though, so I'll keep taking him. Torture by sandbox and storytime. Ahh, parenthood.

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