Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jackson and the 4 Pokes

So the theme for today's blogs must be the number 4. If I can come up with a letter of the day, I may rival Sesame Street! Poor Jackson had his 5-year check up today. I warned him that he might have to get a shot. When will I learn? That just gave him a few hours to work up to complete panic about them at the visit, where he learned that he would get not 1 but 3 shots, and a TB test making 4 pokes for the day. He screamed like a banshee, but didn't fight my lap restraint. I asked the nurses if every kid made such a fuss and they said that all the 5 year olds did, because they were finally old enough to get what was about to happen and that he actually handled it pretty well. I've never seen him ham it up so much with the nurses- he had 4 nurses who were getting him to sing to them ("Don't you want me baby" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles") and 4 asking for hugs even though two of them weren't even involved with giving the shots! It was a preview of his teenage years, where I'm sure we will be harassed to our wits end with calls from little prepubescent girls named Chloe or the like. Remind me to put "find monastery to cloister children" on my to do list. Or at least unlist our number.
Jackson has grown nearly 4 inches since last year's appointment and moved up from 50th percentile in height (at which he has always been) to 75th. He has definitely had a growth spurt since he got his tonsils and adenoids removed- after all, they grow while they sleep so since he has been sleeping better, he is probably growing better. Apparently its a pretty common event after a successful surgery.
He was so tired and his arm hurt so much from the vaccinations that he didn't even want to go to his 2nd Tae Kwon Do class, so his adoring fans will have to wait until tomorrow for the picture of him in his uniform. Stay tuned....

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