Tuesday, September 4, 2007

S'more s'mores please!

We went camping for Labor Day, at Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe. We went with a couple of families, and the kids loved it. They even slept in! I wish I could let them ride their bikes and jump off rocks every morning while I made breakfast. We spent two days at the beach. The water was cold, but Martin and the boys didn't seem to mind. There were millions of stars, and yellow jackets to equal, but we had a really great time. I really cherish our friends- its nice to create good memories for the kids, but just as nice to have those fun times for us.

1 comment:

elsiemparra said...

So nice to be able to have a peek at your life. And, yes, time does fly by soooo fast, good for you, that you are aware and savoring. Thanks for sharing with your extended family in Puerto Rico where you are always welcome.