Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cowboy Ben

I'm a little biased, but I think we might have the cutest kids ever. This pic was taken last week however, because today would have featured a generous portion of snot dripping from Ben's nose to his upper lip, which is quite red from him using his bottom lip to squeegee the mess.Too much detail? Perhaps for the non-parents out there. I find it amusing that the sign for child in sign language is a motion under the nose, simulating snot. Makes perfect sense to me.
We went to Annie's Annuals today for their Fall Planting party. They have the most beautiful and unique plants there, and we even got to meet Annie. Ben kept asking where she was, and couldn't get it out of his head that we were at "Annie's house", so he seemed relieved to know that she was actually present. I got several plants for my garden, and spent the afternoon cleaning up the front yard while the kids played with their friends from across the street or "helped" me. I find so much pleasure in getting on my knees and planting, pulling weeds and dead-heading the wilted flowers. There is something so pure to me about creating a living picture, and being able to stand back and admire that in which nature and I have collaborated. I bought some homemade tamales from my neighbors and we had them for dinner. A little too spicy for the kids, but I really enjoyed them. I do love this neighborhood for its diversity.

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