Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Since I'm not sure anyone is actually looking at my blog (except Nicole- thanks!) I thought I'd direct you to a site that might be more interesting. Its about monkeys. Bonobo monkeys to be exact. This is what I could have done with my biology degree instead of raising little monkeys at home. Hmmm.... http://bonobohandshake.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

I just knew raising kids could prepare for some other career -- now I can rest easy, knowing what my post-mom calling will be. Raising monkeys: something I will be well-qualified for!

Seriously, it was fun to learn about the Bonobo monkeys: thanks for the directions.

And someone besides Nicole IS looking at your blog. I had to laugh about your Virgin Mary people post. I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about. What, don't pumpkins, Mary, and gnomes just naturally go together??