Thursday, October 11, 2007

Office Purge

As I write this, I am sitting and looking at my desk surface. This is unusual, because it is usually covered with (literally!) a 6-inch pile of papers, charging cords, product boxes etc. While Ben napped today, I cleaned it. It was a little like an archeological dig. I found coupons that expired in June, daily report sheets from when I was doing child care, and bills from July. (Yes, thank goodness for online bill pay, they all are current.) Next I plan on tackling our supply drawers and office floor, which I need to clean and convert to an art supply cabinet to hold the kids' markers, glue, scissors and endless assortment of paper and stickers which end up all over my dining room. Living in a 1920's bungalow with a 2007 amount of stuff means finding creative organization solutions. My dilemma is what to do with all the stuff I have already in there- piles of photographs, random photography equipment, cords, cords and more cords etc. I am pretty good at purging, but somehow these things squeak through behind that little voice that says "but you might need that someday." I find that when I get ride of things though, there are very few times where I think later that I really wish I had _____. So tonight and tomorrow, I will take a deep breath, open a big bag, and start stuffing. I really enjoy watching shows like Clean Sweep and Clean House, which helps packrat people who have become completely overwhelmed in their clutter and mess, because it makes my 3x2 disaster area not feel so bad. Good self-esteem through tv. Yippee!

This is an example of the kinds of things Jackson is now drawing. This is a how-to picture he made to teach Ben how to draw a ladybug. I bought him a book on how to draw insects, and now I have an infestation of drawings of centipedes, scorpions, butterflies and stag beetles.
This is a picture of a butterfly that Jackson drew for Ben, who was a very happy boy to receive it.

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