Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hallalujah! The kids went outside!

We arrived home today and the kids from across the street were out riding bikes and scooters. Jackson spoke those words to me that every mother longs to hear: "Can I stay outside and play?" I took his helmet and bike from the garage, and off he went with his friends, riding up and down the street. They were out there for about a half an hour, then went into our backyard (Ben joined them) and played baseball, basketball and "throw the ball at the garage" for another 45 minutes!! I made dinner, listened to NPR, vacuumed my living room, and smiled smugly in self-righteousness, knowing my children were not part of the statistics, playing outside instead of sitting in front of the tv.

This is a picture of me, in marker by Jackson, with a princess crown. He has taken to being very sweet after particularly bad behavior (this one was after a tantrum before taking a nap) which almost makes it bearable to be a part of his rediculous emotional meltdowns.

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