Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday Workday

Ben went shopping with me to get supplies for my parents organization last week, and he found a doll to which he really took a liking. He kept asking if he could get it, and hugged it and said he loved it. (It kind of looked like Jackson, which made it that much cuter.) Just when I was patting myself on the back for raising such a sweet, tender boy, he draped the doll over his wrist and with sound effects, announced that now it was a "wrist laser" and that it was shooting me. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
On the other front, I worked again in Jackson's classroom today. I'm feeling much more at peace with his educational experience now. The children were a little more focused, but most of all the lessons seemed to move at a faster pace which worked better with this bunch. They had a miniature dry-erase board (look, we've come full circle back to the little red school house) to write on, and I worked with the students who were having trouble getting started and needed help with their "R". The kids were really sweet, but I still am amazed at how wiggly they are. Ben is taking much better to school also, as I told the teachers not to bother him about using the potty. He is really against going to the bathroom when others suggest it, and I think that and starting a new school were just too much for his little rigid brain. He is so stubborn- sometimes he responds to a cheerful "good morning" with "No, it's not morning."

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