Friday, October 19, 2007

Mr. Sweet and Mr. Sassy

I have a cute and sweet moment, and also a cute and not so sweet moment to report on today. First the good: Jackson and I were working on reading- he knows a few words, and can sound out a few in English, and can read 3 and 4 letter words easily in Spanish, which is a much more consistent language. He was visibly excited to be able to read, say and understand the words which I was making with the letters, wiggling around in his chair until finally he exclaimed, " Do you ever feel so happy that you feel all ticklish inside?" I couldn't ask for a better parenting reward, than to know that my child is feeling so much joy in that moment.
Than the not so good- Ben is definitely getting close to 3- I don't like three year old children generally- I find them very contrary, disagreeable and generally whiny and grumpy. He fits all of these plus stubborn, occasionally violent, and just when you we have had enough, adorable and sweet. After a day where he was hitting, breaking things, throwing objects and generally doing everything he wasn't supposed to do, I asked him if he had turned on his ears today. This always gets Jackson to pretend to adjust his ears, and he realizes its time for him to start following directions. Ben checked his ears and said that they were on. We then got back into the car, and he "adjusted" his ears again. I asked him if he was making sure that his ears were on and he replied, " Nope, I'm turning them off", sporting a big, ornery grin. What a stinker, and we haven't even hit three yet.

1 comment:

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

Delightful story about Jackson, and very funny story about Ben. Ben sounds like Elizabeth...three year olds are a unique breed. I usually describe her by saying that everyone needs to grab a piece of furniture when she walks in the room...she's a force of nature and leaves ruin in her wake.