Sunday, October 21, 2007

Everyone on the cow train!

Last night we went to a really fun Halloween party at our friends Jason and Tara's house. They had their annual pumpkin carving party, and we prepared by going to the pumpkin patch and buying pumpkins. I am a very competitive person, and I know I had my star carver, Martin, so I was determined that my family was going to take home a title. He did not disappoint, which is good, because I told him he couldn't come home if he didn't win Mama a trophy. Ok, the prizes were dollar store items, but that was good enough for me. Here is a nice video of me riding the cow train a the pumpkin patch. (Glad we didn't get Martin a ticket, we would have had to use the Jaws of Life to extract him.)

Ben's favorite part was riding the pony, and Jackson's was riding the cow train.

Here is the winning entry.If you were wondering why I didn't carve, and just filched Martin's talent, its because I had more important jobs like making sure Jackson didn't cut off a finger (he got to carve for the first time this year- he went a little cubist on it.) Martin's theme is "Cannibal Pumpkin."

1 comment:

nicole said...

i like the new blog look...with your sassy headshot! See you tomorrow!