Saturday, November 10, 2007

Rainy days and the Jungle Book and new cats

Today the rain has arrived. It started as a mist in the air, and has progressed to a steady downpour . We helped move the last of mother-in-law's plants to our house and the new apt, then came home. Sitting on the couch watching the Jungle Book and eating popcorn snuggling under a blanket was such a pleasant way to pass the afternoon. Ok, so I couldn't sit still for that long, but the boys did and I dropped in to watch in between loads of laundry.

I've been feeling completely overwhelmed this week by m.i.l.'s move, even though frankly I haven't been that much of a help. I think it is because she moved on Wed, and Tuesday when she went to sign the lease on her apartment they informed her that their policy had changed and she wasn't allowed to bring her cats. Selling her house after the death of her husband 2 years ago, downsizing to fit in an apartment and moving were all huge stressors, but the thought of now having to turn over her cats to a shelter because the move was imminent was just too much. I have been trying to find homes for her cats, because I don't know where we would put a cat litter box or food dishes for them in our home, and I don't really like cats that much. But, today we decided that we could move some things around and make it work, because its just terrible not to. So Monday, we will have 2 twelve year old cats at our house. Yikes. I'll be sure to give updates on how that goes.

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